Coding House

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Coding House

    “Have a seat at my desk” – TreJon House

If you find yourself stumbling across this page then I applaud and thank you for visiting. The Coding House is my second attempt internet stardom ^.^ (just kidding).

About a year ago I launched a website and YouTube channel that in a lot of ways is the predecessor to what you see today. I wanted to start a channel/blog to help the everyday person pick up their devices and start coding. You may ask yourself why I would do this seeing as how there are dozens of available resources that do this. My response would be that yes you are correct.

Coding With Casa – was aimed to reach those who struggle with the gritty technical details some of the other media covers. Coding With Casa tried to take the technical jargon and theory and break it down in a easily digestible format.

Coding With Casa went offline a few months after launch, mostly due to my busy schedule keeping me from being diligent with posting and making substantial improvements on my blog’s frontend.

With a new mindset, better vision, and an actual plan, Coding House will pick up where CWC left off but more focus and dedication. Coding House will not only serve as a medium to deliver software engineering theory, concepts, solutions to those who have an interest, but as a joint portfolio. A portfolio that we share, what is created here on Coding House isn’t just my work, it is instead things we create together, and as such it will be available for everyone to use and hopefully learn from and build upon.

Now that you have an idea of what Coding House is, have a seat at my desk and let’s begin to develop something new.


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